See it? Report it!

17 Jul 2023
Young male in aggressive pointing pose on blue background with yellow oval graphic

Everyone using Adelaide Metro public transport has the right to a safe and comfortable journey however sometimes we may see or be involved in an incident of bad, dangerous or unlawful behaviour.

Report an incident

These incident reports are fast and anonymous.

What is an incident?

Public transport incidents take place in different forms.

Some examples are:

  • Assault or abuse of a driver or staff
  • Assault or abuse of passenger/s
  • Fare evasion
  • Smoking or vaping on board or at stops
  • Graffiti and vandalism

Why should I report an incident?

We're asking you to report incidents so we can gather data to help improve safety on and around public transport.

We will use this data to identify incident locations where we need to focus improved safety and security measures aimed at providing a safer public transport network.

What can I do when I see an incident?

Report it!

Help out - if it is safe

We would never ask you to put yourself in danger, but there are ways to take action to confront bad or unlawful behaviour in safe and constructive ways which could reduce the overall impact of the behaviour, but only if it is safe to do so.

It can be difficult to intervene when a person or people are being aggressive, confrontational or behaving unlawfully.

We may think our own safety is at risk, or that it is none of our business - and that is perfectly fine!

However you could consider helping out in the following ways - but again, only if it is safe to do so.

Report an incident

  • Take a photo or recording of the incident
  • Take down details such as time, date, location and details of the perpetrator
  • Provide this evidence to a relevant authority

Support the target

  • Approach the person or people who have been or are being attacked
  • Stand or sit by them, or ask them to come and sit with you
  • Encourage them to report the incident
  • Offer yourself as a witness
  • Let them know you don't agree with what is being said or done
  • Encourage them to speak to someone for support

Keeping yourself safe

View further information on how to keep yourself safe and what to do if you feel unsafe on board, as well as how you can be a good passenger and what security systems we have in place across the public transport network.